Museum of Future Experiences

Creative Director | Head of Experience Design and Creative Production

Brooklyn, NY | 2020 - 2024

“A strikingly immersive feat of world building”

The New York Times

“A technical masterpiece”

Time Out

“Emotionally Enriching”

Hii Magazine

“Breathtaking Sound Design”

No Proscenium

About MoFE

Museum of Future Experiences (MoFE) was a Y Combinator-backed media startup crafting high-end immersive experiences using VR and Ambisonic sound to bend the mind and touch the human spirit. Our goal was to show you something you’ve never seen before.

We opened and ran MoFE’s Location-based venue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn from June 2021 - October 2022, which showcased three immersive shows and hosted additional programming including art shows, immersive listening events, and private events and sessions for organizations.

My Role

I wrote, directed, curated, and produced our immersive shows, pioneering new storytelling formats.

I worked closely with CEO to set the creative vision and brand strategy for MoFE, build and design our venue, set our programming, hire and manage multi-disciplinary teams, oversee timelines and budgets up to 7 figures, and implement a system to cut production times by 50%.

I also led content strategy and copywriting for our digital campaigns and website.


  • Finalist for Location-Based VR Experience of the Year

  • Organically featured in Tim Ferris’s weekly newsletter.

  • 4.5 Star rating on Google

  • Called a “technical masterpiece” by Time Out.

  • Founder/CEO named “One of Brooklyn’s 50 Most Fascinating People” in 2022 by Brooklyn Magazine.

  • Served over 10,000 customers; earned $500k+ in revenue.

  • 60% of customer acquisition through word of mouth.

  • Featured on PBS’s Immersive World Season 2

Fun Fact

Through this work, I have watched, experienced, and played over 300 VR games, films, and experiences from across the globe.


History Channel

